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  约有66项符合“snow_018”的查询结果,以下是第21-40项 (搜索用时 0.005 秒)
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go to a moive:) snow_018 2007-09-05 0/609
He has quite a few friends, so he is very kind:).. snow_018 2007-09-04 0/241
I like this sentence: Don't dream away your time... snow_018 2007-09-03 0/287
The weather is changing, be careful not to fall ill... snow_018 2007-09-02 0/212
We are all busy with work and we feel happy:).. snow_018 2007-09-01 0/626
都学这么多了,我们要及时复习学过的课:).. snow_018 2007-08-31 0/170
fall? Or autumn? snow_018 2007-08-30 0/214
I like all kinds of fruit. It's good for your health:).. snow_018 2007-08-29 0/191
Her tooth ached all night. Yes, tooth ached is really a .... snow_018 2007-08-28 0/215
Don't let chances pass by.这也很重要哦:).. snow_018 2007-08-27 0/178
You've got a point there.这是一句不含任何感情色彩的句子.... snow_018 2007-08-26 0/218
Yes, it's very important:) snow_018 2007-08-25 0/201
Everyone desire happiness:) snow_018 2007-08-24 0/164
Money is not everything. So use it if you need:).. snow_018 2007-08-23 0/169
恩!太及时啦:) snow_018 2007-08-22 0/183
哈哈!又被抢先:) snow_018 2007-08-21 0/83
So, you can afford a new car? :) snow_018 2007-08-20 0/83
Yes, I agree with you:) snow_018 2007-08-17 0/147
If you felt no regret for it, it's ok:) snow_018 2007-08-16 0/108
呵呵,同意同意:) snow_018 2007-08-15 0/97

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