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  约有66项符合“snow_018”的查询结果,以下是第41-60项 (搜索用时 0.006 秒)
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Yes, I agree with you! snow_018 2007-08-14 0/70
哈哈,又被你抢到沙发了啊:).. snow_018 2007-08-13 0/69
哈哈,这里总是这么热闹:) snow_018 2007-08-12 0/86
Yeah, I agree with you. But somethimes we should begin w.... snow_018 2007-08-11 0/81
Oh, you are late:) snow_018 2007-08-10 0/83
佳域每天都会发送五句实用英语,真是太有用了:).. snow_018 2007-08-09 0/88
How much does it cost? It's the same as How much is it?.. snow_018 2007-08-08 0/104
He suggested a picnic.I like this kind of suggestion!.. snow_018 2007-08-07 0/103
Yes,We need to workout, it can make us keep feet!.. snow_018 2007-08-06 0/99
What happened to you? You can also say What's wrong with.... snow_018 2007-08-05 0/134
听说佳域还有寒暑假班,我们邻居家的孩子刚在那儿上完一期,.... snow_018 2007-08-04 0/143
呵呵,大家好啊!学习真是一件快乐的事啊:).. snow_018 2007-08-03 0/92
We are good friends! It's wonderful! snow_018 2007-08-02 0/133
每天学一句,进步真大~~~!!!~~~ snow_018 2007-08-02 0/102
ok snow_018 2007-08-01 0/79
"Is it true or false?" This sentence make me feel puzzle.... snow_018 2007-08-01 0/136
Oh, My boyfriend is a football fan!! snow_018 2007-07-31 0/107
He can hardly speak. snow_018 2007-07-30 0/143
是啊!同意!我们都希望生活中多些惊喜,少些无奈:).. snow_018 2007-07-29 0/103
Yes, I agree with you! snow_018 2007-07-28 0/78

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