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  约有336项符合“quite”的查询结果,以下是第1-20项 (搜索用时 0.015 秒)
440人点击 | quite 发表于 2009-10-20[ 交易市场 ]
Not quite decided yet.
I\'m not quite sure if I could have plenty of spare time to be a good teacher.
33人点击 | 网上红袖 发表于 2003-01-14[ 社区论坛 ]
I\'m not quite
I\'m not quite sure what u are asking, but if u mean the schedule, just wait a day or two! Thanks for your interest.
12人点击 | 池剑 发表于 2004-05-22[ 社区论坛 ]
... 。 40. Quite obviously , immediate ... factors will quite likely outweigh ... economy is quite frankly prosperity ... . Their approach quite frankly ignores ...
39人点击 | 天地螃蟹 发表于 2004-10-10[ 社区论坛 ]
... arguments are quite obvious . 许多 ... quite understandable . It is also quite ... values represents a quite different issue ...
93人点击 | 天地螃蟹 发表于 2004-10-10[ 社区论坛 ]
An interview with Gao in 2004, written in clear and easy Engish
... Australia for quite a long while ... it is quite easy actually ... are really quite fascinating. Although ... , and it’s quite interesting to ...
1293人点击 | 龙锦岁月 发表于 2009-10-09[ 社区论坛 ]
... , \"we had quite enough of ... word. \"Quite right, Gabriel, quite right ... \'t mind me. I\'m quite well able ... was not quite brown enough ...
20人点击 | 你说你说 发表于 2005-09-22[ 社区论坛 ]
Great Mistakes in Technical Leadership
... \"I don\'t know\" quite frequently. But ... behavior is quite common amongst ... may yield quite a different result ... financial sense, quite aside from ...
94人点击 | 无言以对 发表于 2006-07-14[ 社区论坛 ]
... is also quite certain that ... . it is quite certain that ... ? it is quite interesting that ... will be a quite good question ...
27人点击 | 周公 发表于 2006-10-20
... that I have quite openly stated ... we are quite close to ... each other quite well if ...
63人点击 | 老江 发表于 2008-05-14[ 社区论坛 ]
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ... poor but quite respectable. ...
833人点击 | 跳跳 发表于 2010-10-21[ 社区论坛 ]
... , while quite a lot(19) and quite ... 但与quite连用, ...
64人点击 | rickyzhang 发表于 2008-06-04
... that I have quite openly stated ... we are quite close to ... each other quite well if ...
338人点击 | pan_da 发表于 2013-11-29
A W.H.O. Researcher on His Trip to China Seeking Origins of the ..
... it was quite striking. The ... are of quite orderly buildings ... the market, quite a few in ...
78人点击 | C939 发表于 2021-02-15
... actually is quite a small fraction ... time was quite small, so ... to work quite hard in ... actually be quite fun to ...
137人点击 | 胖墩儿 发表于 2003-06-18[ 社区论坛 ]
... they are quite little -- up ... were not quite yourself.\" \"By ... , describing how, quite recently, five ... him so. Quite the contrary ...
5人点击 | 你说你说 发表于 2005-09-22[ 社区论坛 ]
... poor but quite respectable. ... truth is quite other than ... . Manners are quite different from ... . She\'s been quite different since ...
27人点击 | 文奇 发表于 2006-05-31[ 社区论坛 ]
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ...
404人点击 | 琦琦915 发表于 2009-08-25[ 社区论坛 ]
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ...
599人点击 | 竹斑鱼 发表于 2010-01-17[ 社区论坛 ]
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ...
1090人点击 | 竹斑鱼 发表于 2010-01-17[ 社区论坛 ]

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