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  约有4491项符合“an”的查询结果,以下是第241-260项 (搜索用时 0.028 秒)
生活在美国:最常有用的英语口语900句 (下) (ZT)
... like eating an ice-cream ... \"x\" stands for an unknown number ... . There is an interesting film ... 859. I received an invitation, but ...
31人点击 | R 发表于 2005-04-22
... never gains an enemy but ... come to an end. 天下 ... 永恒。 an apple a day ... 。 an eye for an eye ... 以牙还牙。 an hour in ... a young idler, an old beggar ...
63人点击 | 木鱼石 发表于 2005-06-02[ 社区论坛 ]
Lights, camera, Manu
... Game 1 of an NBA Finals ... wall, under an exit sign ... " in San An. But if ... day, had an idea how ... justified by an international basketball ...
18人点击 | airjordan 发表于 2005-06-11
能上华邮的普通中国人有几个:sister lotus do it,在前天看新加坡的..
... said in an interview. Sister ... try posting an appeal for ... he missed an evening seminar ... a career as an anchorwoman,\" she ...
45人点击 | blowsnow 发表于 2005-07-24
看看Google的招聘试题 剑走偏锋,道道刁钻
... and discover an exit path ... can have an autograph. B) Sit ... you color an icosahedron with ... . 10.On an infinite, two ... is NOT an actual interest ...
92人点击 | 1T 发表于 2005-08-09
我被无良的狗主一再装傻折磨到极点的时候也曾想过买耗子药灭狗. 为..
... legislation allowing an outright ban ... Never approach an unfamiliar dog ... approached by an unfamiliar dog ... supervised by an adult. Don ...
86人点击 | airjordan 发表于 2005-08-23
\"I Have A Dream\"
... finds himself an exile in ... to dramatize an appalling condition ... there is an invigorating autumn ... transformed into an oasis of ...
36人点击 | airjordan 发表于 2005-11-06
U.S. warns of threat to satellites
... at preventing an arms race ... lose from an unregulated space ... systems as an infringement on ... Treaty established an effective arms ...
12人点击 | airjordan 发表于 2006-12-14
Rumsfeld honored for years of Pentagon service
... became untenable, an extraordinary airing ... existence — of an insurgency after ... briefings, exhibiting an outsized personality ...
11人点击 | airjordan 发表于 2006-12-16
U.S. criticizes China over missile test 美国谴责中国用导弹轰掉自..
... for conducting an anti-satellite ... test represented an indirect threat ... of destroying an artificial satellite ... Bush signed an order asserting ...
157人点击 | airjordan 发表于 2007-01-19
美国论坛 网民 对 中美战争 看法的帖子有意思。
... weakness of an army is ... fail in an invasion of ... , call in an air strike ... ’t even have an army for ... is just an island country ...
60人点击 | 职业杀手 发表于 2007-03-21
不对称战略(Asymmetric Strategy)
... shot down an Iranian passenger ... mistaken for an Iranian fighter ... implementation of an asymmetric strategy ... to create “an increasingly complex ...
59人点击 | 泣无声 发表于 2007-08-18[ 社区论坛 ]
... 等比数列:An+1/An=q, n为自然数 ... 公式:An=A1*q^( ... 式: An=Am·q^(n- ... 则am·an=ap*aq ...
14人点击 | 泣无声 发表于 2008-01-06
Statistics show that three in a hundred passengers don\'t pay at..
... can order an accessible version ... characterized by an uneven or ... public transport, an (unprincipled) passenger has an interest in ...
9人点击 | airjordan 发表于 2008-02-28
爱儿坊 ELFA〈回龙观〉婴幼儿成长苑
... elements in an integrated thematic ...
6129人点击 | elfa 发表于 2007-04-27[ 生活指南 ]
Chinese Junk (Reading Material , From Times)
... minorities in an illicit trade ... for advising an amphetamine and ... there," laments an undercover cop ... enough," insists an antidrug official ...
59人点击 | 晚上 发表于 2002-09-10[ 社区论坛 ]
... 't you attend an aerobic class ... "x" stands for an unknown number ... . There is an interesting film ... 859. I received an invitation, but ...
52人点击 | 扬子江 发表于 2004-05-20[ 社区论坛 ]
... lucidum as an immunomodulator. J Microbiol ... W. Characterization of an alkali-extracted ... A, Yoshida S, Sakaguchi K. An ergosterol peroxide ...
132人点击 | seeoff 发表于 2005-09-06[ 社区论坛 ]
... God forgets\' -- an expression of ... offered Thee an invincible banner ... I might be an author impatient ... flashed like an arrow through ...
7人点击 | 你说你说 发表于 2005-09-22[ 社区论坛 ]

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