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  约有336项符合“quite”的查询结果,以下是第21-40项 (搜索用时 0.015 秒)
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ...
841人点击 | 竹斑鱼 发表于 2010-01-17[ 社区论坛 ]
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ...
2125人点击 | BMW7 发表于 2012-02-26[ 社区论坛 ]
Answers I will mail to u
... never quite disclosed And never quite ... , in short, I\'m quite at ease ...
18人点击 | azn_pride 发表于 2003-06-27[ 社区论坛 ]
... , but it’s quite common for ... season, it’s quite easy for ... is not quite time-consuming ...
646人点击 | aaaaabao 发表于 2004-05-04[ 社区论坛 ]
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ... poor but quite respectable. ...
23人点击 | 国泰民安 发表于 2004-12-16[ 社区论坛 ]
... . This is quite wrong, I believe ... rates are quite similar between ... . It is quite difficult for ...
70人点击 | 回笼饭 发表于 2005-11-01[ 社区论坛 ]
麻烦大家翻译一下这句话 谢谢各位了 最好讲解一下
... were felt, quite rightly, to ... SOMEBODY/SOMEONE/ quite rightly weighted ...
277人点击 | 葭葭 发表于 2008-05-22
[examination and test] were felt to be heavilfy weighted in favo..
... 宾的 quite rightly 不 ... 理解。quite rightly用于 ...
85人点击 | 小贺 发表于 2008-05-22
看国外网站对“范跑跑”的评价, 很有意思。
... , and have quite limited influences ... book and quite appropriate to ...
185人点击 | 硬而不臭的破石头! 发表于 2008-06-13
... it was quite clear, though ... ! I was feeling quite homesick for ...
12人点击 | passport 发表于 2008-06-16
看似简单 但是全部背完后·你会发觉你的英语明显提高,很有用啊5
... She\'s got quite a wad. 她 ... to be quite yourself today ...
243人点击 | 秋风怡人 发表于 2009-08-31
共产主义信条:各尽所能,各取所需——The communist creed: From ea..
... bread. I couldn’t quite go there ... but not quite yet all ...
1232人点击 | 阿瑟 发表于 2010-02-19
... 've been quite successful。 ... ? I think it's quite a positive -- step ...
1934人点击 | 阿瑟 发表于 2010-09-25
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ...
3469人点击 | 流星猎人 发表于 2010-11-05
... is creating quite a panic in ... it was quite scary for ...
197人点击 | 我是原来的老摄 发表于 2020-04-07
生活在美国:最常有用的英语口语900句 (上) (ZT)
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ...
272人点击 | R 发表于 2005-04-21
生活在美国:最常有用的英语口语900句 (上) (ZT)
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ...
38人点击 | R 发表于 2005-04-28
Your Fly is Open !
... to play quite well together ... that arena. ( Quite an appropriate ...
47人点击 | 龙五 发表于 2006-02-03
English 900 英语九百句
... , but not quite right. 是 ...
8461人点击 | 陈姗姗 发表于 2007-11-06[ 服务中心 ]
... must have quite a plan for ... I do not quite understand,\" says ...
38人点击 | 晚上 发表于 2002-09-09[ 社区论坛 ]

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