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  约有13178项符合“is”的查询结果,以下是第121-140项 (搜索用时 0.078 秒)
A lower score is better, with ZERO being the perfect score. The ..
... lower score is better, with ... hue discrimination is low
2313人点击 | 安安静静 发表于 2010-06-10
@尼尔布什 [新浪個人認證] :Tomorrow Lauren will marry David. Thi..
... . This photo is of Lauren ... the wedding is incredibly beautiful ...
214人点击 | -菩提子 发表于 2011-09-03
以下分别是,观致,jeep自由光,雷克萨斯IS 300h的碰撞成绩:横向比..
... /results/lexus/is/522.aspx ... 萨斯IS 300h
398人点击 | 自在山林中 发表于 2014-01-15
以下分别是,观致,jeep自由光,雷克萨斯IS 300h的碰撞成绩:横向比..
... /results/lexus/is/522.aspx ... 萨斯IS 300h
275人点击 | 自在山林中 发表于 2014-01-15
以下分别是,观致,jeep自由光,雷克萨斯IS 300h的碰撞成绩:横向比..
... /results/lexus/is/522.aspx ... 萨斯IS 300h
241人点击 | 自在山林中 发表于 2014-01-15
... “伊斯兰国”(IS)实施5个 ...   IS建“英语 ...
347人点击 | jx-zjk 发表于 2015-01-25
... 抗击来自IS和其它 ... 叙利亚境内IS的俄罗斯 ...
504人点击 | 冷雨凄风 发表于 2015-11-25
2015年,英国前首相布莱尔首次为伊拉克战争道歉 但拒绝为IS崛起负全..
... ‘伊斯兰国(IS)’的崛起 ... 影响;二,IS是在 ...
212人点击 | kaixin_inging 发表于 2018-04-14
Reuters:China is preparing an antitrust investigation into Goog..
... POINTS China is preparing to ... reported. China is preparing to ...
532人点击 | C939 发表于 2020-09-30
美军在喀布尔被炸死,难堪的却是塔利班:起底IS和塔利班的隐秘战争_腾讯新闻 (qq.com)
247人点击 | archon 发表于 2021-08-27
... ”组织(IS)号召 ... 3月,IS证实其 ...
521人点击 | 我是原来的老摄 发表于 2022-04-19
hi,everyone!my name is cherry,nice to meet you here.this is a sh..
... advise. john is a famous priest ... the woman is my mother ...
32人点击 | 车犁子 发表于 2002-09-11[ 社区论坛 ]
what is love
... him. it is a comfortable feeling ... love, it is big mistakes ... know what is love, you ...
27人点击 | steven_eric 发表于 2002-12-06[ 社区论坛 ]
Our agency had an ergent meeting this afternoon about SARS and w..
... if there is one SARS ... . The situation is worse then ... do now is go back ...
25人点击 | mytrue 发表于 2003-04-17[ 社区论坛 ]
What is LOVE?
... long and is kind; love ... parade itself, is not puffed ... her own, is not easily ...
107人点击 | marconi 发表于 2003-10-13[ 社区论坛 ]
the computer virus is very similiar like the bio virus in realit..
... fact, there is no way ... a anti-virus is very funny ... important things is that never ...
49人点击 | ace 发表于 2003-12-17[ 社区论坛 ]
to forget is to remember, every step is an experience in life, i..
... that it is just life ...
9人点击 | rhoda 发表于 2004-07-11[ 社区论坛 ]
That is a good idea.
... is an international language .It is ... time .It is up to ...
29人点击 | Pierre_xing 发表于 2004-09-13[ 社区论坛 ]
This sitcom is very funny, I can learn...
... sitcom, Jerry is a comedy actor ... others. George is the best ... Jerry, he is a real estate ...
41人点击 | yulu 发表于 2005-07-29[ 社区论坛 ]
\"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life. \"
\"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life. \" Burton Hills
26人点击 | 雨隼 发表于 2006-09-01[ 社区论坛 ]

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