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  约有336项符合“quite”的查询结果,以下是第121-140项 (搜索用时 0.010 秒)
Einstein was raised by secular Jewish parents.
... . It is quite clear to ...
389人点击 | 厨工 发表于 2013-11-28
... )Ø 4-5 fingers = quite hardso go ...
759人点击 | sage 发表于 2015-09-17
... ’s values are quite clear and ...
820人点击 | 开车上网 发表于 2017-04-09
... not be quite so serious ...
135人点击 | snoopy1996 发表于 2020-02-12
新研究发现:新冠免疫力“正在消退” 中国日报网 中国日报网 57分钟..
... is waning quite rapidly." ...
248人点击 | happy_daddy 发表于 2020-10-29
http://www.kekenet.com/ys/26355.shtml, 搜了一下,这个尾声很经典..
... stood out quite clear upon ...
99人点击 | gadfly 发表于 2020-12-22
Your birthday cake is quite great for your name
2人点击 | 晚上 发表于 2001-08-02
I think it's quite cheap .
4人点击 | 晚上 发表于 2001-12-03
... are never quite the same ...
20人点击 | 背对生活 发表于 2002-04-30
English Twisters (英语绕口令)---舌头已经打弯的请不要来了
... ’s really not quite right To ...
23人点击 | mountain 发表于 2002-07-05
It adds up: Jordan is the greatest All-Star\'s all-around consis..
... says. \'\'That\'s quite an accomplishment ...
20人点击 | mj2345 发表于 2003-02-09
哈利告诉你:小资是怎样上厕所的 !
... 星光的quite evening的 ...
70人点击 | 哈利波特 发表于 2003-05-02
A quite neight vancouver
三年了,一直徘徊到底来不来定居,美丽/安静/清爽/但活力不够. 还要改变很多已有的东西,是否娇情了些.顺便说一句前年在 montreal今年在vancouver都遇到了回笼观的zz,呵呵.
16人点击 | 观泉 发表于 2003-07-17
so far , there is no report on Windows98, but....
... i am not quite sure..
22人点击 | 海景 发表于 2003-08-12
... are not quite expensive) almost ...
17人点击 | midasly 发表于 2004-10-15
17968 IP电话卡优惠消息
... ! Thirteen! Thirteen!\" Quite curious about ...
282人点击 | snewking 发表于 2005-03-14
生活在美国:最常有用的英语口语900句 (下) (ZT)
... truth is quite other than ...
129人点击 | R 发表于 2005-04-21
生活在美国:最常有用的英语口语900句 (下) (ZT)
... truth is quite other than ...
31人点击 | R 发表于 2005-04-22
生活在美国:最常有用的英语口语900句 (下) (ZT)
... truth is quite other than ...
29人点击 | R 发表于 2005-04-28

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