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  约有336项符合“quite”的查询结果,以下是第1-20项 (搜索用时 0.011 秒)
A W.H.O. Researcher on His Trip to China Seeking Origins of the ..
... it was quite striking. The ... are of quite orderly buildings ... the market, quite a few in ...
78人点击 | C939 发表于 2021-02-15
http://www.kekenet.com/ys/26355.shtml, 搜了一下,这个尾声很经典..
... stood out quite clear upon ...
99人点击 | gadfly 发表于 2020-12-22
新研究发现:新冠免疫力“正在消退” 中国日报网 中国日报网 57分钟..
... is waning quite rapidly." ...
248人点击 | happy_daddy 发表于 2020-10-29
... is creating quite a panic in ... it was quite scary for ...
197人点击 | 我是原来的老摄 发表于 2020-04-07
... not be quite so serious ...
135人点击 | snoopy1996 发表于 2020-02-12
... :be quite,behave ...
932人点击 | egg灯 发表于 2017-04-17[ 社区论坛 ]
... ’s values are quite clear and ...
820人点击 | 开车上网 发表于 2017-04-09
... again for quite a long observing ...
211人点击 | yudingyu 发表于 2017-01-10[ 社区论坛 ]
... again for quite a long observing ...
356人点击 | yudingyu 发表于 2017-01-09[ 社区论坛 ]
... )Ø 4-5 fingers = quite hardso go ...
759人点击 | sage 发表于 2015-09-17
每日英语 亚历山大国际英语学校
... is never quite so frightening ...
1398人点击 | mark1251024 发表于 2014-05-13[ 社区论坛 ]
... that I have quite openly stated ... we are quite close to ... each other quite well if ...
338人点击 | pan_da 发表于 2013-11-29
Einstein was raised by secular Jewish parents.
... . It is quite clear to ...
389人点击 | 厨工 发表于 2013-11-28
A City Upon a Hill" - 山巅之城
... if I ever quite communicated what ...
392人点击 | 乐享读书会 发表于 2013-11-27
[英国] 男孩因“手机不够好不足以被偷”光天化日下被强奸
... 来偷” "A quite sad and ...
372人点击 | 牵蜗牛去散步 发表于 2013-07-19
美国主流媒体CCN网站上挖苦美国政府的美文:It's a pants-down day
... to anyone' Quite what Kerry ...
691人点击 | 飞镝 发表于 2013-06-27
... ,it’s quite all right ...
1410人点击 | 美娇娘战小乱 发表于 2012-12-01
... 's not written quite clear enough ...
886人点击 | 牵蜗牛去散步 发表于 2012-07-29
... . He has quite a few friends ... said was quite true. 你 ...
2125人点击 | BMW7 发表于 2012-02-26[ 社区论坛 ]

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